################################################################################ 1. What is RODA? ################################################################################ RODA is a full-featured open-source digital preservation repository providing all the functionality prescribed by the OAIS reference model. For more information, please fell free to visit RODA website: http://www.roda-community.org ################################################################################ 2. What I need to install RODA? ################################################################################ The following software is needed: - Linux OS - RODA installer - Java Runtime Environment version 1.6 or higher - MySQL server version 5.0 or higher - OpenLDAP version 2.4.6 or higher - Fedora Commons 2.2.4 (installed automatically with RODA) - Fedora Generic Search 2.1.1 (installed automatically with RODA) - Apache Tomcat 6.x.x (default, installed automatically with RODA) - libtcnative-1 (optional library to speedup tomcat) - JBoss 4.2.3 (optional, installed automatically with RODA) - ClamAV - Apache Ant version 1.8.x or higher - Munin - SMTP server (e.g. postfix) - Converters (audio, video, image and others, used by RODA-Migrator) - imagemagick - ghostscript - mencoder - jodconverter - soundconverter - ffmpeg - gstreamer (and its plugins) - fonts-ipafont-mincho - fonts-ipafont-gothic - ttf-arphic-ukai - ttf-arphic-uming - w32codecs/w64codecs ################################################################################ 3. Install dependencies ################################################################################ For Debian based systems, here is how to install all software other than RODA in a glimpse: $> sudo apt-get install mysql-server slapd ldap-utils debconf-utils clamav \ ant openjdk-6-jdk imagemagick ghostscript mencoder jodconverter \ soundconverter ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg \ fonts-ipafont-mincho fonts-ipafont-gothic ttf-arphic-ukai ttf-arphic-uming \ munin munin-node postfix unzip For demo environments, make the following configurations when promped (as it will make the installation process quicker): 1. MySql server root password as 'roda' (without the quotes) 2. OpenLDAP root password as 'roda' (without the quotes) 3. Postfix with the default values Also for demo environments, reconfigure the OpenLDAP so it has the configuration expected by default by the RODA installer. Do: $> sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd and do not omit slapd configuration, set the domain to 'keep.pt' (without the quotes), the organization name to 'KEEPS' (without the quotes), administrator password to 'roda' (without the quotes) and the rest of the configurations with the default values. For other Linux distribuitions, follow the appropriate documentation to install each of the dependencies. ################################################################################ 4. RODA installation procedure for demo environments ################################################################################ Please note that [RODA_INSTALLER] denotes the path to the folder extracted from RODA installer zip file, that must be replaced accordingly in all commandline executions (strings prefixed by '$>'). If you want to test RODA and install it as quickly as possible, you just need to proceed as follows. In this installation process, RODA will be installed in the user home directory (in a folder called 'roda'), all services running locally and all default/demo users will have the same password, i.e., 'roda' (without the quotes). 1. Ensure that you have installed all the dependencies on the same machine (see section 3). 2. Run the RODA installer. Do: $> [RODA_INSTALLER]/install.sh If the installation was successful, go straight to section 6. WARNING: This installation process it's not meant to be used in production environments. ################################################################################ 5. RODA installation procedure for production environments ################################################################################ Please note that [RODA_INSTALLER] denotes the path to the folder extracted from RODA installer zip file, that must be replaced accordingly in all commandline executions (strings prefixed by '$>'). 1. Ensure that you have installed all the dependencies (see section 3). 2. Define installation properties Properties are defined in a file called "install.config", located in the installation directory. Here, one can define properties like where to install RODA, where the LDAP server is located, its credentials and configurations, and other RODA related properties. To configure them, do: $> vi [RODA_INSTALLER]/install.config 3. Run the RODA installer. Do: $> [RODA_INSTALLER]/install.sh ################################################################################ 6. What I need to do after installing RODA? ################################################################################ Please note that [RODA_HOME] denotes the path to the folder where RODA was installed, that must be replaced accordingly in all commandline executions (strings prefixed by '$>'). 1. Start Tomcat/Jboss (by default Tomcat) Run Tomcat start/stop script: $> [RODA_HOME]/bin/tomcat start or Run JBoss start/stop script: $> [RODA_HOME]/bin/jboss start As Tomcat/JBoss may take 1 or 2 minutes to deploy the web applications, please consult the logs in order to assess if the deployment already finished before continuing the process. 2. Create Fedora Generic Search index Point out your browser to the address http://localhost:8080/fedoragsearch/rest?operation=updateIndex&action=createEmpty and you're done. 3. Verify if all RODA services are running Please note that "admin" and other default/demo user passwords (i.e., "guest", "roda-ingest-task", "roda-preservation-task", "roda-wui", "roda-handle", "roda-disseminator", "demo-admin", "demo-prod" and "demo-arq") are defined in install.config and should be used both to login into RODA-WUI and to authenticate in all RODA Web Services. Open your browser and access the following addresses: 3.1. RODA-WUI http://localhost:8080 Must show the RODA Web interface. Use admin credentials to login. 3.2. RODA-CORE-SERVICES http://localhost:8080/roda-core/services Must show a list of services & methods. 3.3. RODA-MIGRATOR-SERVICES http://localhost:8080/roda-migrator/services Must show a list of services & methods. Use admin credentials to login. 3.4. Fedora http://localhost:8080/fedora/search Must show a search interface. Use admin credentials to login. 3.5. Fedora RI Search http://localhost:8080/fedora/risearch Must show a search interface. Use admin credentials to login. 3.6. Fedora Generic Search http://localhost:8080/fedoragsearch/rest Must show a search interface. ################################################################################ 6. Troubleshooting ################################################################################ Inspect the logs: - RODA logs: [RODA_HOME]/log/ - Tomcat logs: [RODA_HOME]/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.37/logs/ - JBoss logs: [RODA_HOME]/jboss/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/log/ - Fedora logs: [RODA_HOME]/fedora/fedora-2.2.4/server/logs/ ################################################################################ 7. Uninstalling RODA ################################################################################ In order to properly uninstall RODA, a script to do the job is provived. To uninstall RODA, do: $> [RODA_HOME]/uninstall/uninstall.sh